Learn the Terminology

Tetraploid vs Diploid: How many chromosomes the plant contains. Most Daylilies are diploids meaning they have 2 sets. However, some are tetraploids meaning that they have 4 sets and have been developed to enhance colors or forms
​Season: What time of year can you expect to see the blooms? Early season is generally prior to July 1st. Mid refers to the middle of July (15th-20th on average) and late is after the month of July
There are some considered to be 'extra early', could bloom as early as May, and 'extra late', blooming into late August
You may also see the term 'continual blooming' meaning that there is little to no break between blooming sequences
​Petals: The 3 petals create the visual form of what we call the flower. Usually larger than the sepals
Sepals: Each daylily has 3 petals and 3 smaller 'sepals' on the outside. These sepals help protect the bud and petals prior to flowering
​Scape: The blooming stem of the daylily
​Branches: Separate stems that form on a blooming stem (scape). The more branches: the more flowers
​Buds: Unopened flowers. Each branch will form buds at their tips. each of these buds will open into a flower, each of which only blooms for one day. This is why they are called daylilies
​Rebloom: A daylily that forms additional buds after the initial buds have opened on a new stalk creating an additional sequence of blooms
Substance: Daylilies with thick and strong petals
Sunfast: A term used to describe a flower that has strong colors that will not fade throughout the day
Bloom Characteristics
Mid-ribs: the center of the petals. Some are much more pronounced than others
Throat: Very center of the bloom, usually a yellow or green color
Eye-zone: The area of the petals closest to the throat, can be varying thicknesses and opacity. mahogany in the above flower
Halo: When an eye is repeated on all sepals and petals as above it creates a halo
Ruffles: The edges are uneven looking almost like a "pie-crust".
Edging: The surrounding edge of the petals and sepals is referred to as edging. These may be smooth or ruffled and may be a different color than the petals and sepals.
Recurved: When the petals and or sepals curve backwards, partially out of sight
Throat: In some cases, unlike the first example, the throat can be so prominent that there is no eye-zone but rather an exaggerated throat expanding onto the petals and sepals
Watermark: Almost a reverse of an eye-zone or halo, a watermark is a faded mark above the throat. Sometimes almost non existent It can be on either the petals or sepals or both like a halo
Choosing the right daylily for your garden
When choosing the perfect daylily, focus on the height, color, and the size and amount of the blooms. But also important is the time of year that they bloom. Looking at the other plants and flowers that you have in your landscape, you can choose a plant that will highlight your garden at the right time of the summer and create a cohesive look with the other colors you have